Middle School Houses

Each school year begins with an induction assembly held for incoming sixth grade and new middle school students to be assigned, or sorted, into one of the five middle school houses.  The principal graciously crowns all new middle school students who run gleefully to their assigned house. 

Middle School Houses serve as homeroom where attendance, morning announcements, lunch count, and prayer are conducted.  Each house takes a turn during the school year leading the school in prayer and announcements over the school intercom. 

House activities are held five times during the year focusing on faith and team building.  The winning house holds the traveling trophy until the next house activity is held. 

House of Gabriel

Homeroom: Mr. Grimm

House Color: Yellow

House of Jude

Homeroom: Ms. Caligiuri

House Color: Green

House of Marcellus

Homeroom: Ms. Olson

House Color: Orange

House of Norbert

Homeroom: Mr. Simpson

House Color: Blue

House of Sebastian

Homeroom: Ms. White

House Color: Red