Click-n-Learn Resources and Links

Click on the links below to access educational websites that have reading activities for students.  Passwords are needed for several and they are included next to the website link or picture.  *Note - Some student sites have advertisements, parental guidance is recommended.  

AEA - Area Education Association 

username: 1737staug 

password: haea11 

AR Bookfinder
Easily find books that have AR quizzes and allows you to search for titles, authors and even reading levels.
PBS Kids Between the Lions

PBS Kids Between the Lions interactive reading games for

Grades K-3

 BookFlix user name: 1737staug

password: haea11

Grades K-3

Harper Collins for Kids

Book ideas, support, reviews games, and more.

Grades 3-4-5

Learning Planet

Learning games for Pre-K - 7th grades
 PBS Kids

Reading games to practice and explore reading skills.

Grades K-5


PebbleGo username: 1737staug

password: haea11


Where children have fun learning to read!

Grades K-3

username: 1737staug

password: haea11

Grades 3-4-5